Turnaround Thinking™

Inspired and increased the team's effectiveness...
3 Types of Coaching
Sherry, thank you for your tremendous help during the Malcolm Baldrige sessions. You were a great coach to the members of the Executive Committee.
~ William A. Hall, General Manager
Ritz-Carlton Huntington Hotel
For professionals and teams undergoing change or growth.
For those who want to improve quality of life, happiness, health, relationships & success.
For individuals & teams who want insights on better solutions and performance.

Turning trials into triumphs
Sherry Phelan, Ph.D.

Dr. Sherry is an Author, Artist, and Life by Design Coach. Read more→
Reset your mindset to the positive each week with a Turnaround Tuesday Tip delivered to your mailbox!

Get unstuck and get going
Sherry Phelan, Ph.D.
Increase productivity
Improve your health, reduce stress and take control of your life. My coaching sessions hone in challenges and obstacles that are turned around into levers for success.
Strengthen relationships
Whether it's your personal or professional life, transform yourself and your relationship with others with a turnaround perspective.
Discover creative potential
Challenge your thinking to discover new ideas and approaches. Then, get the best ideas into action - and the results you want - with laser focus.

February, 2018
Mandala Magic Workshop to Transform your Life: Health, Work, Relationships
Irvine, CA
As always, your insights are razor sharp. Once again, you brightened my Tuesday.
~ Andra Ellingson
Sherry, you are such an inspiration! Your positive energy is so powerful.
~ Marie Barnes